Wednesday, August 29, 2012

8.28.12 Outdoor circuit at Banneker field

Warm up with medicine ball catch and throw

2 rounds of circuit training -
1 minute of each movement:
stair run
medicine ball slam
agility ladder (ickey shuffle)
russian twist with dumbell
skips (jump as high as you can)
push ups

I wanted to do three rounds but we ran out of time.  Had to get back to capoeira academy

8.21.12 Working the posterior chain

Posterior chain exercises:
Glute bridges
Back extensions
Hold back bend for 5 minutes

10 rounds of:
10 squats
10 pushups
10 situps

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Isometric Training, 8.7.12

Glute bridges
10 reps with both legs, hold for 10 seconds
10 reps with single leg (each side), hold for 5 seconds
10 reps with both legs

3 rounds of:
1:00 minute hand stand hold
1:30 minute plank hold
2:00 minute wall squat hold

Tabata quebra drills

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tuesday, 7.31.12

Tabata dips

3 rounds of:
4 minute AMRAP-
Bear crawl
5 pike pushups
10 squats
Plate push
1 minute rest

Tabata sit ups

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday, 7.25.12

Foundations sequence

For time:
50 push ups
50 dips
50 squats
50 wall balls
50 v-ups
*You can choose the order and rep scheme

5 minutes of plank hold (you can switch from front to side)
Do 5 push ups for every broken set

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Week of AMRAPs, 7.17 and 7.18

From Tuesday

Agility ladder drills

7 min AMRAP
1 wall climb
3 HS push ups
5 OH lunges (with weight)

7 min AMRAP
5 burpees
7 V ups
9 side bridges

From Wednesday

5 sets of pull ups with 1 minute rest in between.
Pick a rep scheme that you can be consistent with.  I did 2-3-3-2-2

12 min AMRAP
9 toes to bar
12 push ups
15 bench jumps

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Workouts, 7.10 and 7.11

Jump rope/double under practice

2 max handstand hold attempts (rest 1 minute in between)

12 min AMRAP
5 double unders
10 push ups
Run to Duke Ellington statue
5 bench jumps
10 dips
Run back

3 rounds of -
3 minute AMRAP
4 burpees
8 squats
12 jumping lunges
Rest 1 minute

3 sets of -
10 side plank (on hand) leg lifts
hold side plank for 30 sec