Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Workout of the Week, 5/25/2011

I apologize for the late posting.  It's been a busy week!

5 rounds for time-
Run 200m, 10 squats, 10 push ups

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Workout of the Week, 5/17/2011

This is the Crossfit Balance workout of the day:

AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) for 15 minutes:
5 Clapping Push-ups*
30 mountain climbers (each leg)
3 Turkish Get-ups (each arm)**
30 mountain climbers (each leg)

*Scaling options:
1) If you usually do push-ups from the knees but can do a few regular push-ups, try regular push-ups
2) If you can do regular push-ups but can't do a full clapping pushup, try plyo push-ups. 
The guy in this video isn't getting his chest all the way down so just use this as a reference for the plyo aspect -
Note:  Do not do clapping push-ups from the knees for this workout

**The prescribed weight using kettlebells (or dumbbells) is 54lbs men /35lbs women.
Here are two videos on turkish getups:
This one is very detailed:

My workout:  I did 4 rounds plus 5 clapping pushups.  I used 25lb and it was quite challenging.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Workout of the Week, 5/10/2011

A few tips on training...

1.  Keep a workout log and track your progress.
2.  At the beginning of each week, write down your goals for the week.  This will keep your training focused.
3.  Make sure you are getting adequate recovery.  Over-training will stunt your progress and lead to injuries. 

Workout #1
Double-unders (sub tuck jumps or scale to half)
*This is a Crossfit bencmark workout (usually done with an AbMat).  We did this workout a couple months ago.  Make sure you record your time so you can track your progress. 

Workout #2
60 second Handstand Hold
60 second Hollow Rock
45 second Handstand Hold
45 second Hollow Rock
30 second Handstand Hold
30 second Hollow Rock
15 second Handstand Hold
15 second Hollow Rock

Monday, May 2, 2011

Workout of the Week, May 2, 2011

4 rounds of:
200 m run
15 pushups
15 box jumps
15 burpees

5 rounds of:
40 sec lateral shuffle to burpee, rest 20 sec
-Focus on staying on the balls of your feet and moving quickly.
-Do the lateral shuffle until you reach the end of your training space, then do 1 burpee, continue the lateral shuffle in the other direction.