Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Workout of the Week, 12.28.11

I did the 12 Days of Xmas yesterday and got through 10 rounds then I had to go back to the office.  If you haven't done the workout yet, I recommend that you try it and scale appropriately.  It's tough!

This week's workout:

50 burpees for time

Keeping it simple...

Friday, December 23, 2011

Espi's Workout, 12.23.11

Went to a BootCamp class at my gym today.  I modified some of the exercises for my back

1 minute circuits with 15 second transition

Circuit #1
Step up 10# db (the class did box jumps)
Dumbbell deadlift 20#
Plank hold (the class did situps)
Snatch 15# (the class used 20#)
Thrusters 15#

Circuit #2
Run (I subbed with rowing)
Plank hold (situps)
Push press 15#
Step up 10# (box jump)
Handstand push-up
Dumbbell clean and jerks 15#

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Workout of the Week, 12.21.11

12 Days of Xmas Workout!
(inspired by a workout I saw at my gym)

I haven't tried this yet but I plan on doing it over the weekend.  Below are 12 exercises.  Do 1 rep of exercise 1, then 2 reps of exercise 1 and 2, then 3 reps of exercise 1-3, etc....

For example:
1 squat
2 squats, 2 queixadas (R-L is one rep)
3 squats, 3 queixadas, 3 armadas

*For unilateral movements, R-L counts as one repetition.

push ups
split jump squats
negativa advancada
jump squats
queida de jin
1:00 hand stand hold
1:30 plank hold


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Espi's Workout, 12.14.11

Short workout at the gym because I have to spend a lot of time doing exercises for myback.

3 rounds of:
10 queida de jin (starting in A frame position with both legs extended)
10 goblet squats with 36 lb kettlebell
10 au stretch to queida de jin
10 pistol squats (with a stool underenath to decrease depth and a weight for counter balance)

*For queida de jin and pistol squats, I did 5 to each side.

Pistol squats are a great way to work the legs without lifting heavy weights.  I'd like to get full range of motion in my pistol squats so I'll be working on these a lot in the next month or so.

Workout of the Week, 12.14.11

Flight Simulator - Double-unders (5-10-15-20-25-20-15-10-5)*
*Scale reps as needed to complete around 5 minutes ie...(2-4-6-8-10-8...) Complete as unbroken sets.

Gata reminded me of this workout today:

Run 1 mile
50 air squats
50 situps
50 pushups
Run 1 mile

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Espi's Workout, 12.8.11

7 rounds of-
7 handstand pushups (w/ block underneath to decrease range)
7 goblet squats with 12kg kettlebell
7 toes to bar
7 standing band rows
7 pushups
7 walking OH lunges (R-L counts as 1 rep)
7 pull ups with band

This took about 30 minutes.

If you don't have the equipment, you can substiute other movements.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Espi's Workout, 12.6.11

5 sets of -
10 TRX back rows, with palms facing down and focusing on squeezing the shoulder blades together
10 pushups
Rest about 1 minute between sets

5 sets of -
5 dips
7 pushups (I did 10 the first set but I was already really fatigued from the back rows/pushups so I switched to 7)
Rest about 1:30-2:00 minutes between sets

Workout of the Week, 12.6.11

I did a variation of this workout at a Bootcamp class at my gym.  I didn't want to aggravate my back so I used 15# dumbbells:

Here's a video of the thruster-

Part I:
20 thrusters (w/ 10-30 pound weights)
20 air squats
20 lunges (w/ 10-30 pound weights)
20 situps
Rest 1 minute

20 thrusters (w/ 10-30 pound weights)
20 body weight lunges
20 lunges (w/ 10-30 pound weights)
1 minute plank hold, on hands
Rest 1 minute

20 thrusters (w/ 10-30 pound weights)
20 air squats with a small jump at the end
20 lunges (w/ 10-30 pound weights)
1 minute plank hold, elbows
Rest 1 minute


Part II
Tabata rounds-

4 minutes of:
20 sec pushups, 10 sec plank hold, 20 sec push ups, 10 sec plank hold....

4 minutes of:
20 sec air squats, 10 rest, 20 sec air squats, 10 rest....
Try to do at least 15 air squats each round

The end..