Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Espi's Workout, 11.29.11

I'm also going to start posting some of the workouts I do at lunch to give you some additional ideas.  Keep in mind that I'm still recovering from my back injury so my workouts are somewhat limited.

Turkish get-ups (both sides)
1 x 5 @ 10 lbs
1 x 4 @ 15 lbs
3 x 3 @ 20 lbs

Workout of the Week, 11.29.11

4 Rounds of (for time):
10 au stretch to queida de jin
20 armada transition armada
30 esquiva lateral
40 quebra (side to side)
Rest 1 minute

On the esquiva lateral and the quebra I want you to stay low and focus on shifting your hips.

3 rounds of:
1:30 plank
1:00 side plank (both sides)
Rest 1:30 minutes

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pre/Post Thanksgiving Workout, 11.23.11

Inspired by CrossFit Balance "Pre-Turkey Burn" workout: http://www.crossfitbalance.com/blog/2011/11/16/wednesday-november-23-2011.html

800m Run
60 Squats
30 Push-ups
400m Run
40 Squats
20 Push-ups
800m Run
20 Squats
10 Push-ups

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Workout of the Week, 11.22.11

Glute activation - I've been reading up on proper glute activation lately.  Here are some exercises to help activate the largest muscle in our body which will help us work more effiicently. 
Here's one article I read:  http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance/dispelling_the_glute_myth

The Bird Dog helps activate the glutes, opens up the hips, and makes your abs work to keep you stable.
Here’s how to do it:
-Start in a quadruped (all fours) position.
-Brace your abs, and prepare yourself for instability.
-Working with opposite limbs, raise one leg and one arm.
-While raising your limbs, think of extending and lengthening your body.  Avoid arching your back and lifting your hand and foot towards the ceiling.  Again, think of lengthening your body.
-Squeeze your butt tight at the top of the movement.
-Hold the top of the position for 5 seconds.

Hip thrusts
Lie on your back on the floor or on an exercise mat. Place your arms at your sides, with the palms on the floor next to your hips. Place your feet flat on the floor, directly beneath your knees. Pressing into the floor with your hands and feet, exhale as you tighten the gluteal muscles and press your pelvis upward toward the ceiling, extending the hips fully at the top. Hold for 5 seconds, then exhale as you slowly lower the hips to the floor.

Do 2x10 of each of these as part of your warm up.

Workout of the Week:

25 single leg burpees (on each side)
You can break up the sets however you want.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Workout of the Week, 11.15.11

I'm giving you lots of options this week:

Workout 1
Tabata rounds (20 sec on, 10 off for four minutes)

Workout 2
5 rounds of-
30 sec of meia lua de compasso transition meia lua de compasso* (side to side w/ no ginga), as fast as you can
Rest 1 minute
*Another option is to do queixada transition armada transition meia lua de compasso, over and over (no ginga)
Note: make sure you do a good warm up before yo do this

Workout 3
5 rounds of-
20 over head walking lunges (w/ 10-25 pounds)
15 push ups
10 squats
5 hand stand push ups (I place a book or block to mark the depth I want to reach)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Group Workout, 11.13.11

Running workout with Abbi and Wallace from the HU track team.  I learned a lot of good information from this workout.

Warm up- 2 lapsDynamic and static stretching
-Walking Marches
- A-Skip
- B-Skip
-High knees
-Butt Kicks
-Running trail legs
-1 leg hop rotation
-Bounding (x4)
(Each drill was done twice except bounding)
Work Out:- Fast twitch High knee reaction (this is the one where I had you guys hold on to the gate while I called out "Mark")
-High Knee Break Downs (this is the exercise where we called out a number and everyone did the amount of high knees we called out)
- 20 strides working on running form
Cool Down- 1 lap

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Workout of the Week, 11.8.2011

Tabata squats-
20 seconds squat
10 seconds squat hold
20 seconds squat
10 seconds squat hold
For a total of 4 minutes

Tabata push ups-
20 seconds push ups, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds push ups, 10 seconds rest....  For a total of 4 minutes

5 rounds of (as fast as you can) -
Bear crawl
5 jump squats
Crab walk
5 burpees

Monday, November 7, 2011