Monday, September 26, 2011

Assignment for the Week

Please spend some time this week to do the three exercises below.  We will do these again at the end of the two months to track progress.

Max number of pushups
-No resting in between
-Chest must touch the ground to count as a rep
-If you can't do them from your feet, do the pushups from your knees.  Make sure your butt is not sticking up in the air.
-If you can't get your chest to the ground from your knees, that's okay.  Mark zero in your notebook and we'll work on it!

Max handstand hold (against a wall)
-Make sure your butt is not resting on the wall

Max plank hold
-no butts in the air or saggy bellies :)


  1. Max plank hold: 2:29
    I started feeling pressure in my lower back so I stopped.
