Monday, February 27, 2012

Workout, 2.27.12

I was in California for a few days and it totally threw off my workout schedule.  I'll be traveling again in March so you should expect another long posting break in about two weeks. 

Bear crawl (focus on moving opposite arm and leg, this might take some practice)
Crab walk (focus on moving opposite arm and leg, this might take some practice)
20 handstand shoulder shrugs
14 queida de jin pushups (from A-frame position, keep legs together and shift hips to elbow)
Rest 1 minute
Repeat 4 times

2 x 1 minute side plank hold
2 x 10 side plank leg lift
Here's an example:


  1. The bear crawl / crab walk exercise was hard to coordinate. I got stuck a couple of times.

    Also, the queda de rin push ups are awesome. My left shoulder has been weak ever since I tore my rotator cuff. I can barely do the AU stretch - push up exercise to the left. This seems like a good compromise.



  2. PS - I meant the negativa avançado push ups we did in class last saturday (march 31)*** was confused for a moment.
