Friday, January 20, 2012

Is anyone reading this???

Leave a comment if you're actually reading the blog postings.  If not, I will discontinue posting.



  1. Me too! I do all the time! It is key to my franchise.

    I am designing a bootcamp for the harvard peeps tomorrow. So far its looking like a warm up with elliptical, then wall climbs, then squat holds against a wall, then side planks (combo of three daily fitness challenges, I guess with scaling depending on how well everyone does).

    BTW..I also wanted to let you know that the 20-15-10-5 burpee/bear crawl/squat workout has proven to be one of my favorites. I like to actually add a crab walk so that it goes burpees, bear crawl, squat, crab walk, which adds another cardio component. Its a great one!
