Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Workout, 4.10.12

Here's the original workout:

Part I
Hand stand push ups (head should touch the ground at the bottom)
Push ups (chest should touch the ground at bottom)
-Do 21 HSPU, dips, push ups; then 15 HSPU, dips, push ups; then 9...

Scaling options: 
-place a book under your head for HSPU
-if you don't have access to bars for the dips, you can use a chair or two chairs so that your hands and feet are on the same plane
-reduce the rep scheme.  For example, for the dips I did 11, 8, 5

Note:  There was no way I could do this workout straight.  I had to take plenty of breaks in between.

Part II
1 min stair run
Rest 1 min
2 min stair run
Rest 2 min
3 min stair run
Done :)
Note:  focus on moving your feet quickly


  1. And, I just did part I of this exercise this morning.

    I definitely scaled it.
    my handstand push ups were probably more like shoulder shrugs.
    I did 8, 5, and 3 on the dips.
    And I did all the push ups on my knees. I found that when I tried to do them regularly, I just wasn't getting down all the way.

    Despite the significant scale down, my arms feel all floppy and wobbly afterwards. I guess that's the goal.


    1. My arms were totally shot after that! Towards the end I had to eke out one HSPU at a time.
