Friday, April 6, 2012

Workout, 4.6.12

It's spring and I have one more month before my life as a graduate student ends once and for all!  And I have two months until pools open in DC.  So... here's my plan for April and May. 

Towards the end of the semester when stress is at an all time high, I tend to go into hibernation mode.  But instead of sleeping, I'm studying and eating lots of junk food to make up for the fact that I have no life.  So this means in April, I need to do my best to maintain my level of fitness by fitting in short workouts and capoeira training 1-2 times per week depending on how my body feels.  This is a preventive measure so that when I'm done with the semester, I don't need to start from scratch.  In May, when I'm liberated, I'll ramp up my training efforts in preparation for bathing suit and batizado season. 

Here's the workout (courtesy of Kali's bootcamp at Balance Gym) 

Part I
6 minute AMRAP
1 strict push up
3 pull ups (scaling - jumping pull ups, band assisted, or kipping)
5 box jumps

Part II
5 rounds of -
10 OH lunges (10-35 lb weight)
10 burpees
-I used 25# plate and finished in 5:50

1 comment:

  1. I did the 6 min AMRAP (with jumping pull ups). Holy shit, my arms are STILL sore like 3 days later.

    - Gata
