Friday, April 13, 2012

Workout, 4.13.12

Went to another Bootcamp class at Balance Gym. 

Here's part of the workout:

400 meter run
Then do 10 rounds of -
5 burpees
10 sqauts
15 sit ups
End with another 400 meter run

(I subbed rowing for running.  It took me 15:20 seconds to complete)

If you intend on training this weekend, I recommend writing down your weekend goals.  I often go into the weekend with the intention of working out but I'm usually not very clear about what I'm going to do.  And more often than not, I end up not doing anything.  This week, I decided to write down what I want to accomplish so I'm held accountable. 

Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I ended up doing this at home, so I chose to run instead of row. It was quick! I don't know my time exactly (I did it outside and I don't have a watch), but it wasn't as stomach churning-ly difficult as some of the other exercises have been in the past.

    PS - sometimes people look at you funny in parks when you do burpees
